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oddzodd's Articles In Diet
May 25, 2004 by oddzodd
published by William Brink, a contributing consultant, columnist, and writer for various health, bodybuilding, and medical publications. Whey, Is it a Better Choice? Is Whey Protein Found in Milk? Yes and no. To better understand where whey protein is derived from, let's start with cow's milk. But let's be clear: whey is not your typical glass of whole milk. In fact, far from it. Cow's milk contains approximately 6.25% protein. Of that, 80% is casein and the remaining 20% is whe...
May 25, 2004 by oddzodd
A tiny water plant holds the promise of bringing about a sea change in your health Japanese scientists look towards spirulina as the solution to the world's hunger problem. NASA considers it an excellent, compact space food for astronauts. The WHO has called it one of the greatest super foods on earth. And New Agers all over the world are rediscovering the wonders of spirulina. In the USA, Christopher Hills, founder of the University of Trees, is convinced that the manna which the H...